Humberto Villca "Right now I feel very proud of having participated; I hope next year Ill do as well, my family is very proud. " "It is the second time I participate and I feel very proud of having achieved this position and also of having participated. " "Last year I had already participated, and with the money I received I did the maintenance of my coffee plantation, I paid the workers and the harvesters. This year I am planning on doing the same thing, invest on my coffee plantation, but with more money; that is why I want to tell to my partners to participate, if they havent participated this year, for the Cup of Excellence is of benefit for us since it improves the price of our coffee. " Yolanda Lourdes Condori "I feel very happy and proud because I presented my coffee to the Cup of Excellence and also because I have prepared a quality coffee. I found out about the contest around 2 years ago through my husband who was is a cupper; since then, we have been working with the Cup of Excellence. "Since that time, our lives have changed a lot, and for good, especially related to the handling of our coffee, since before the process was dreadful, but now we do it with more interest because there is a benefit coming to us with what we earn. For example, last year I improved my parcels, I did the weed control without burning, and I also had my daughter study. This year I plan on making coffee dryers so I wont suffer too much with the rains. " "I would tell the ladies to get their hands on this, not only can men do the coffee process, us women can do it too; put a little bit more of interest, participate, and you can also win like we did." Quality Practices The ripe coffee cherry harvest is done manually, process in which the whole family intervenes during the tour months that the harvest takes, from June to September; the coffee cherry is immersed in water in order to do the first selection of vain coffee beans. The pulping is done in a wooden pulper immediately alter the daily coffee collection is finished. The coffee is fermented during a period of 15 hours, after which the mucilage is separated. This coffee is manually washed with clean water coming from natural slopes that the mountains of the Bolivian Yungas region. The coffee drying is done on tables totally exposed to the sun.
Other Statistics:
Soil type : sandy clay loam Annual precipitation : 2.000 mm/year Shade type : Inga edulis
Rank | 10 |
Farm Name | Pico del Tucan 4 |
Farmer/Rep. | Yolanda Condori |
Altitude | 1600 |
Country | Bolivia |
Year | 2005 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 18 |
City | Uchumachi |
Region | Carrasco la Reserva |
Program | Bolivia 2005 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Pulped, Naturally fermented, mechanically washed, sun drying |
Variety | Typica Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 13 |
Farm Size | 18 |
High bid | 4.05 |
Total value | 11250.19 |
High bidders | Kaffebrenneriet as |