She was born on October 17th of 1952, in Narino Department; she is 58th years old. Coffee grower during her enters life, surrounded by coffee trees all life that offer her economic support for a living, coffee is her main activity. Her enterprise, El Guaico is a heritage from her parents that is been worked by her husband Mr. Isaac Perez and her four children Lidia, Nancy, Oscar and Yuly, and last but not least as she said my little farm, it is being the main place of many happy moments in our life. The motivation of Mrs. Amada Guerro and her family is to keep seeing the farm growing; this is a situation that she is being realized step by step trough the improvement of good agriculture practices. Daily, she is conscious of the environmental activities at the farm. The Coffee that they produce at the farm is sold to the Cooperative of Coffee Growers of Western Narino; she is consider a Mother Leader at El Guabo village and is part of a Social Project Familias en Accion This farm is located near to the natural reserve of Galeras Sanctuary of Fauna and Fauna for this reason; she is committed to be a main character in the protection of natural resources inside her influence area; she has a committed and recent decided star the Rainforest certification process and for this reason is allowed to implement good agriculture and social manners focus on the sustainability and competitive of her farm with the improvement in coffee quality and life-hood.
Rank | 5 |
Farm Name | El Guaico |
Farmer/Rep. | - |
Altitude | 1750 |
Country | Colombia South |
Year | 2010 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 93 |
City | Consaca |
Region | Nariño |
Program | Colombia South 2010 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Washed Coffee |
Variety | Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 2 |
Farm Size | 2 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 4938.3 |
High bid | 10.00 |
Total value | 49383 |
High bidders | M.I. Coffee Corporation, Jubean Coffee, coffeeplus |