I am a 43 years old coffee grower. I began in the coffee business when I was 20 years approximately. I bought this farm (EL CAIMO), 3 years ago, the farm is in total 4 hectares and 3 of those are grown in coffee, the other 1 hectare I keep for preservation of the native forest. I only have caturra variety in the farm, the trees are between 1 and 5 years old.
Environmental Care
I have a septic tank for the residual water, so I can reduce the bad impact into the environment. My farm is 50% shade grown with native species, such as: cedars, guamos, and cachingos.
Coffee Processing Information
The wet milling is done by the traditional way, depulping process is done the same day of the harvest. It takes 12-15 hours of fermentation. Drying is done in patios.
Other Statistics:
Soil Type: Franco Limoso
Annual Precipitation: 1,750 millimeters
Shade Grown Type: 50% Shade Grown
Water Source: Municipalty Aqueduct
No. Permanent Employees: 1
No. Temporary Employees: 7
Rank | 9 |
Farm Name | El Caimo |
Farmer/Rep. | Celestino Castro Ramos |
Altitude | 1500 |
Country | Colombia North |
Year | 2007 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 15 |
City | Guadalupe |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia North 2007 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Traditional Wet Processing |
Variety | Catura |
Coffee Growing Area | 3 |
Farm Size | 4 |
High bid | 6.06 |
High bidders | Toa Coffee Co.,Ltd. |