Cafe Sin Limites This mill was created by the producers: Jose Jaime Cardinal Rojas, and the two sisters, Maibel Barrantes Zuniga and Kattia Barrantes Zuniga. It was created approximately 2 years ago, with the purpose of processing and drying their own coffee, to generate a greater value to the associates as well as the community. When we talk about quality, its a whole process they say. It begins during the harvest of the coffee cherry in the plant and then in the mill, where is processed with high technology equipment for a more clean coffee. Afterwards, most of the honey is left in the coffee, and when is time to dry it; the coffee is worked 100% sundried in African beds. With this process, it gives a cleaner coffee, free of mold or fermentations, and this generates a very special and very pleasant cup, for the most demanding buyers of the world.
Rank | 13 |
Farm Name | Cafés Sin Limites |
Farmer/Rep. | Maribel Barrantes Zuñiga, Kattia Barrantes Zuñiga, José Jaime Cárdenas R. |
Altitude | 1700 |
Country | Costa Rica |
Year | 2007 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 14 |
City | Naranjo |
Region | Alajuela |
Program | Costa Rica 2007 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Honey coffee |
Variety | Villa Sarchi |
Coffee Growing Area | 2.3 |
Farm Size | 2.8 |
High bid | 5.60 |
Total value | 11926.13 |
High bidders | Tashiro Coffee Co.,Ltd |