Located in the South West of Rwanda, Mibirizi Coffee Washing Station, at the heart of the splendid Mibirizi “terroir” between the high Altitude Lake Kivu and the Nile Congo Crest, the region where the first Bourbón Arabica coffee trees were successfully planted and harvested 100 years ago in Rwanda, is owned by the Nile Congo Mountains Coffee (NCMC) company, .
NCMC was created in 2004, a decade after the genocide, by three entrepreneurs who returned home to assist in the rehabilitation of the plantations of thousands of small holder farmers and invested in the production and the commercialization of a high quality fully washed coffee.
The Mibirizi coffee undergoes meticulous processing and quality control beginning with careful selection. When the cherries are fully ripe, they are carefully picked. And after pulping, the dry and wet fermentation process follow and the beans are fully washed with spring water from the mountains. Finally the beans are slowly sun-dried and hand sorted many times to perfection by women, many of them survivors of the genocide who work hand in hand with their neighbors. Each season, Mibirizi CWS employs an average of 150 people over a period of three months; out of them around 70% are women.
Since 2006, it emerged always among the best coffees in Rwanda. In the 2006 National Cupping Competition, its coffee obtained the second highest score in a contest involving more than 70 samples of different fully washed coffee. In the 2007 Rwanda Golden cup, it emerged 7th in more than 100 samples. And in the last year Cup of Excellence 2012, Mibirizi coffee came third with a score of 89.528 and fifth with a score of 89.028.
This year, NCMC Coffee washing station has obtained the second position with 89.94 and 8th position with 88.44 in the Cup of Excellence 2013.
Rank | 8 |
Farm Name | N.C.M.C Mibirizi-CWS 2 |
Farmer/Rep. | KAYIJAHO M. Boniface |
Altitude | 1750 masl |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2013 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 29 |
City | Rusizi |
Region | Western |
Program | Rwanda 2013 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | apple, tangerine, orange, black currant, lemon, caramel, graham cracker |
Acidity | lemon, gentle, bright, structured, crispy, layered, snappy |
Other | round, viscous |
Processing system | Washed |
Variety | Bourbón |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1912 |
High bid | 8.15 |
Total value | 15582.8 |
High bidders | Campos Coffee |