La Pampa is located in La Pampa, Acatenango, Chimaltenango. It stands at 4,592 5,248 feet over sea level, with an extension of 73.5 has. On the region there are two microclimates, temperature average goes from 25 to 30?C, and annual precipitation is 1300 mm. Firsts farm name was La Pampa and Mr. Prudencio Perez Rosales bought it approximately in 1915. After his death the property was divided in three: La Pampa, San Juan and El Libano, managed by Mr. Mariano Perez Melendez. Around 1940 they planted the first coffee trees Arabica and Bourbón. On that time the coffee was sold as cherry beans to other farms or buyers. Around 1958 and 1960 coffee production increased and it was possible built a wet mill and drying patios. At that time, coffee was transport in mules from the pulping area to drying patios method that was really difficult for our workers. Later, on 1970 the coffee was processed and sold to exporters; that changes let us bought a vehicle and built a bigger road to transport coffee from wet mill to the patios. During last years there are some changes and constructions that have been done in the property, to improve quality and modernize process. Actually there are a water recirculation system and a treatment water plant; besides there are more drying patios and a Guardiola dryer capable to dry 40 quintals of coffee. At this moment La Pampa is managed by Mr. Mario Rolando Perez Liquidano, owner, and Mr. Mario Vinicio Perez Monterroso, his son. Four generations producing high quality coffee. The varieties produced at La Pampa are: arabigos (red and yellow), Bourbón, elite 14 y tekisik. Pache, pache coliz, caturra, catuai (red and yellow). Harvest season is from November to April, but it depends of different factors, such as: flowering season, weather and temperature. The soil and microclimate are important to produce quality coffee, 40% of soil at the farm is formed with volcanic sand from Acatenango Volcano. As far as quality is concerned, the coffee beans are selected from each coffee tree carefully; then it is process on dry and wet mill and finally is sun dry on patios or in a Guardiola drier. On dry and wet mill every sample is identify with the place from it comes, picked day and variety. The coffee picked in different places on the farm, never is mixed. Every sample is analyzed in a laboratory to certify that is a strictly hard bean coffee and high quality cup, after that process the beans could be keep on the warehouse. As result of that quality control process, we offer a great cup of coffee, with excellent body, acidity, floral aroma and a chocolate taste. Besides produce quality coffee, in La Pampa it is also important social and environmental responsibility. The employees living in the farm have houses provided for our family, with all the necessary basic needs covered. There are also two modern swimming pools for workers and families. Besides, Mr. Mariano Perez donated a place where was built the Rural School and other for the Catholic Church from La Pampa village.
Rank | 23 |
Farm Name | La Pampa |
Farmer/Rep. | Mario Perez Liquidiano |
Altitude | 1435 |
Country | Guatemala |
Year | 2010 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 49 |
City | Acatenango |
Region | Chimaltenango |
Program | Guatemala 2010 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | caramel, chocolate, apple, citrus, currant, honey |
Acidity | bright, sweet, apple, citric, grape |
Other | smooth, creamy, smooth |
Processing system | Sun |
Variety | Caturra pache Typica |
Coffee Growing Area | -1 |
Farm Size | 32 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 3240.81 |
High bid | 7.30 |
Total value | 23657.91 |
High bidders | Wataru & Co., Ltd. |