Sultana Farm is located in Belen Ocotepeque, in the village of El Paraiso (which means heaven). The weather here is pretty cool in a range of 6 to 20°C. Main products grown here are vegetables, food grains and of course, coffee. Located in the buffer zone of Parque Celaque, an environmental reserve park this land is surrounded by wide life vegetation trees such as sweet gum, cedar, pine trees, etc…In the region Lenca communities have established. Historical heritage of the region consists of a temple built by the Spaniards in the 1600’s.
Most of the farm was inherited to his mother by his grandfather, and although Hector resides now in San Pedro Sula, most of his family still lives in Ocotepeque, two of his brothers who help him manage the farm. This farm has been worked by his family and is the main economic source for them. Two persons work permanent and 8 persons are contracted temporary to do maintenance activities. During picking season until 35 persons work to recollect the cherries.
What natural resources conservation practices do you follow in the farm?
1- The farm is an agro-forest system with 30% shade with timber and guama trees.
2- The pulp of coffee is treated to produce organic fertilizer then is applied in the farm.
3- The coffee wastewaters are carried to an oxidation pond to reduce the organic content.
What type of fertilization process and rust control do you use in your farm?
Using traditional fertilization, Hector has begun to fertilize using organic fertilization in combination to regular fertilizers, hoping to move to organic. Because we had the well nourished plantation and the height had no rust attack.
What is the secret for winning this competition (describe the preparation process of the competing lot)?
Lot factors have importance to prepare a good coffee lot.
• The agronomic management of the farm is very relevant, to be careful when harvesting just to collect the ripe cherries, growing the best variety for the local conditions.
• Having special care during the processing, the milling must be the same day that picking. Make a good selection, take off the damaged grains and make the fermentation process for at least 20 hours.
• Drying process is made in solar driers (domo type) using African beds.
Is wonderful for all my family, because that is the signal we are doing the correct things. Is a very important program for Honduras , because have helped to improve the “Café de Honduras ” image in the international markets. For producers COE represents a big benefit as helps them enter in specialty coffee markets and overall improve their incomes.
I have participated four times but just won in 2010 and 2013.
Rank | 22 |
Farm Name | Sultana |
Farmer/Rep. | Hector Manuel Mata |
Altitude | 1450 masl |
Country | Honduras |
Year | 2013 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 74 |
City | Belen Gualcho |
Region | Ocotepeque |
Program | Honduras 2013 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | sweet orange, almond, toffee, cinnamon, sour cherry, cedar, peanut butter, caramel, honey, blood orange |
Acidity | citric, strawberry, sour cherry |
Other | winey, round body |
Variety | Pacas |
Coffee Growing Area | 6.0 hectares |
Farm Size | 8.6 hectares |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 4884 |
High bid | 6.01 |
Total value | 29352.84 |
High bidders | honuKATOCOFFEE Inc. |