Santa Isabel is a traditional and beautiful coffee farm located in Pueblo Nuevo Vinas, Santa Rosa, where is produced high quality coffee under international sustainable standards. The faro begun on 1899, actually is managed for Dieter, Martin and Alejandro Keller, 4th generation of coffee growers. As far as quality is concerned, we take care during all process, from picking, processing, drying and preparing every coffee sample. The farm has dry and wet mill; the coffee is export during first semester of the year. Besides that, we believe that we have to be environmental and social responsible. Santa Isabel has an school for 300 students, a health center, an industrial kitchen and other social projects, such as two soccer teams.
Rank | 25 |
Farm Name | Santa Isabel Y Anexos |
Farmer/Rep. | Jinaya, S.A. |
Altitude | 1295 |
Country | Guatemala |
Year | 2010 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 53 |
City | Pueblo Nuevo Viñas |
Region | Santa Rosa |
Program | Guatemala 2010 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | chocolate, honey, berry, citrus, spicy |
Acidity | bright, citric, apple |
Other | creamy, smooth |
Processing system | Sun |
Variety | Catuai Caturra Pacamara |
Coffee Growing Area | -1 |
Farm Size | 685 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 3501.8 |
High bid | 6.55 |
Total value | 22936.79 |
High bidders | Nippon Coffee Trading Co.,Ltd for Doi Coffee |