Fazenda Terra Nova is located in Povoado da Ressaca, in the city of Piatã, BA, in the Chapada Diamantina region. The city is the highest in the northeast region of Brazil. The climate is European in northeast Brazil, with temperatures varying from 14 to 24°C.
Fazenda Terra Nova measures 32 hectares, with 5 of them devoted to coffee production.
Fazenda Terra Nova belongs to Cristiano Miranda de Santana, a federal judge who, when he married Márcia Xavier, decided to acquire rural lands to increase his contact with nature, to develop his passion (coffee) and to start a small social project. The farm has a small school (for adult literacy, continuing education and a few workshops), a clinic for weekly dental check-ups and occasional medical appointments, services that are provided free of charge to the needy. The owner’s wish is to transform Fazenda Terra Nova into a social-cultural center, to expand and add other services.
Fazenda Terra Nova is managed by Wedson Marques de Souza. Everyone who is part of Família Terra Nova is concerned about the entire coffee production process and gives his best for the consumer to have an unforgettable sensorial experience.
Rank | 7 |
Farm Name | Fazenda Terra Nova |
Farmer/Rep. | Wedson Marques De Souza |
Altitude | 1,200 hectares |
Country | Brazil Pulped Naturals |
Year | 2016 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 11 |
City | Piatã - Bahia |
Region | Chapada Diamantina |
Program | Brazil Pulped Naturals 2016 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Red fruits, caramel, passionfruit, floral, earl grey, blood orange, brown sugar, stone-fruits, |
Acidity | Citric, lime |
Processing system | Pulped Natural |
Variety | Catucai |
Coffee Growing Area | 5 hectares |
Farm Size | 32 hectares |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 728 |
High bid | 9.20 |
Total value | 6697.6 |
High bidders | Coffee Libre |