CoE Ranking: 7b
Farm: La Cabaña (La Estrella rural district)
Farmer: Luis Alejandro Ortega
Birth Place & Date: December 15, 1963
Age: 51
Parents: Luis Ortega Sotelo & Georgina Guerrero
Wife’s Name: Martha Yenny Bolaños
Children: David Alejandro / Ricardo Ortega Bolaños
Academic Level: High School
Farm: La Cabaña
Vereda (Rural District): La Estrella
Municipality: San Agustín
Department: Huila
Total Area Grown with Coffee:
% planted with resistant varieties (Colombia & Castillo):
% planted with susceptible varieties (Caturra):
% of Young Technologically Advanced Coffee Plantations:
Other farm crops: pancoger (fruits, vegetables and roots)
Post-harvest processing (“Beneficio”): Natural fermentation
Drying: in the sun
Certifications: RFA, UTZ, FLO
Score at Cup of Excellence 2015: 88.30
Farmer’s Biography:
I was born on December 15, 1963 in the beautiful municipality of San Agustin (Huila) within a beautiful family, who, as I grew up, instilled me love for farming and most of knowledge about coffee. I am grateful to my parents and siblings because they were my example and my great support to get what I have now.
At the age of 25 years I met the woman of my dreams, Martha Yenny Bolaños, with whom I settled a family of two children, David Alejandro and Ricardo, to whom I fondly teach all my knowledge about coffee growing so they continue this wonderful family business.
Reaching the 7b ranking in Cup of Excellence is the result of a constant and arduous work in family. I was recognized in the Huila department as a coffee entrepreneur in last November. I have achieved all this at the farm level through a joint effort with my beautiful family and the goal is to continue taking part and of course improving quality to win the first place.
Rank | 7b |
Farm Name | La Estrella |
Farmer/Rep. | Luis Alejandro Ortega |
Year | 2015 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 47 |
City | San Agustin |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia North 2015 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Chocolate, hazelnut, vanilla, raisin, brown sugar, bergamot, dark cherry, vanilla, coconut, macadamia nut, orange liquor, cedar |
Acidity | Effervescent, malic, complex, citric |
Other | Juicy, silky, syrupy, consistent, harmonious |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2487 |
High bid | 5.40 |
Total value | 13429.8 |
High bidders | Caravela Coffee for Four Barrel Coffee |