By heritage of our grandparents, we are dedicated to the coffee production. 50 years ago, these lands were pasture crops for livestock but my grandfather decided to produce coffee instead, and introduced the variety Villa Sarchí to the farm. Thanks to him and my father Mr. Manuel Barrantes, we were taught to work the land with effort and dedication. We really like it when buyers from different countries visit us, being able to talk with them and find out for ourselves what they think of our coffee motivates us to keep working hard every day to give the best in quality.
The farm is named Chispita, which means “Sparky” because once we were visited by a few buyers, our youngest daughter Cristel decided to take the dog, called Sparky, to give the tour of the farm. When we were on that farm the dog found some ripe coffee beans on the floor and started eating them. The buyers found this funny and took pictures and videos to bring this amusement to their countries and show other people. That is the reason why from that day on we call the farm Chispita (“Sparkly”)
Attached some pictures of the milling, our family, coffee plantations and the famous dog!
Thank you again for appreciating our effort. It would be a pleasure to receive all of you in our farm!
Rank | 23 |
Farm Name | Finca Chispita |
Farmer/Rep. | Carlos Barrantes Zúñiga |
Altitude | 1500 |
Country | Costa Rica |
Year | 2015 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 24 |
City | Lourdes de Naranjo |
Region | Valle Occidental |
Program | Costa Rica 2015 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Orange, cinnamon, lemon candy, apple, lemon, fruity, toffee, allspice |
Acidity | Citric, multiple fruit acidity, malic |
Other | Syrupy, creamy, juicy, sweet finish, mouth clinging |
Processing system | Honey |
Variety | Villa Sarchi |
Coffee Growing Area | 3 hectares |
Farm Size | 3 hectares |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1554 |
High bid | 6.10 |
Total value | 9479.4 |
High bidders | BLACK GOLD COFFEE CO., LTD. |