El Matasano farm is located in the Tejeras community in the municipality of Belen Gualcho, Department of Ocotepeque. It has an altitude of 1510 meters above sea level and is located 10 km from the Belen Gualcho community.
I am part of a coffee grower family. I have grown my farm 40 years ago, inherit it from my father and I have made some improves in the processes until obtain a good quality coffee. My family is composed by my wife, five sons and one daughter. My sons help me in the farm manage. Ten families work with me every year, almost 80 persons are benefits for my farm. I trained 10 person for pick the coffee for COE.
What natural resources conservation practices do you follow in the farm?
1 – I have made soil conservation with live barriers.
2 – Pulp is decomposed and applied in the farm as organic fertilizer.
What is the shade percentage and the varieties found in your farm?
It has 20% of shade due to its guama y guanijiquil.
What type of fertilization process and rust control do you use in your farm?
I have two years using organic fertilizers, hoping to complete the organic certification. Because we had the well nourished plantation and the height had no rust attack.
I am member of COMIXBEL (Cooperativa Mixta Belen Gualcho Ltda)
What is the secret for winning this competition (describe the preparation process of the competing lot)?
My secret is to do a good management of the plantation giving the plant the entire nutrient that they need, applying organic fertilizers and picking the cherries ripe.
Cleaning the milling machines and the tanks very well and then drying the coffee in African beds to keep the coffee clean.
I am happy because as grower my goal is to enter to the auction to obtain a good Price for my coffee. But the most important thing is that I am proud because I am a passionate by coffee.
How it name says this program is Excellent because gives the opportunity to small growers to sell their coffees in a good Price. It is a motivation to keep us producing coffee.
My mother obtained the second place in the first COE in 2004. I have participated three times and I have passed twice to the auction 2012 and 2013
Rank | 17 |
Farm Name | El Matazano |
Farmer/Rep. | Salvador Anibal Tenorio Mata |
Altitude | 1510 masl |
Country | Honduras |
Year | 2013 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 41 |
City | Belen Gualcho |
Region | Ocotepeque |
Program | Honduras 2013 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | chocolate, sweet cherry, cardamom, almond, apricot, peach, caramel, raisin |
Acidity | red apple, orange-like |
Other | juicy, creamy, mint finish, well balanced |
Processing system | Wet Process , sun dried |
Variety | Pacas |
Coffee Growing Area | 1.5 hectares |
Farm Size | 1.5 hectares |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2706 |
High bid | 6.60 |
Total value | 17859.6 |
High bidders | Wataru & Co., Ltd. |