La Esperanza is 88.11 hectares of breathtaking coffee land. Located in Canton Las Cruces, Municipio de Chalchuapa in Santa Ana, it is cultivated with the Bourbón variety. It´s exact coordinates are: -89.68 W, 13.92 N. Coffee trees grow under the shade of Ingas and other native mountain trees such as eucalyptus, cedars, etc. La Esperanza begins at 1,000 msnm and goes all the way up to 1,600 msnm. It´s highest elevation is known as Tablon La Cima. At the top of the farm there are 9 hectares of wild forest which is left completely untouched. This forest serves as a home of various types of plants and animals, contributing with the biodiversity in the area. La Esperanza´s yearly rainfall is 2,933 mm. La Esperanza is a new farm in our family business. We purchased the land in 2010 from it´s previous owner, Sonia Moran de Butter. La Esperanza means HOPE, a beautiful word that reminds us of the importance of the land, the environment and the people who work it. La Esperanza requires a lot of labor: 300 people during the harvest and 80 during the non harvest season. Lupe, the farm manager, has been part of our team for more than 8 years and he has welcomed the challenge of managing La Esperanza with a lot of hope. He has excellent people skills and an immeasurable love for the land, making him a great person to oversee La Esperanza and all the work that still has to be done. The coffee that we won the COE award comes from Tablon La Cima, Mezcalito and Moises. It was harvested on February 5 and 6, 2011. It was processed in our mill, Vivagua. We processed this coffee semi-washed. This means that after the coffee was pulped with clean fresh water, it was left to rest for 12 hours, rinsed and put out to dry in our brick patios with part of the mucilage still on the bean. When 12° humidity was reached it was stored at the parchment warehouse for 30 days, allowing the coffee beans an adequate reposo. Thank you so much for tasting La Esperanza´s coffee. We are sure that it´s distinct characteristics will please your palate and your costumers´ as well.
Rank | 31 |
Farm Name | La Esperanza |
Farmer/Rep. | Inversiones Santonano, S.A. De C.V. |
Altitude | 1600 |
Country | El Salvador |
Year | 2011 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 46 |
City | Santa Ana |
Region | Apaneca-Ilamatepec |
Program | El Salvador 2011 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | stewed apples, dark fruit, honey, caramel, burnt sugar |
Acidity | crisp, malic, green apple |
Other | silky, refreshing finish |
Variety | Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | -1 |
Farm Size | 88.11 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 3009 |
High bid | 4.30 |
Total value | 12938.7 |
High bidders | Caffebene Co., Ltd. |