The farm has belonged to three generations, I which has produced grains such as: corn, and beans.
Ten years ago we planted coffee, actually we have 35 acres of coffee plantation, thirty percent in our land we have forests and different types of trees (oaks, pines and cypress) the farm also has many water streams which we use to irrigate our crops thru gravity up to eighty percent.
Rank | 20b |
Farm Name | La Colina |
Farmer/Rep. | Emilio Medina |
Altitude | 1600-1798 masl |
Country | Guatemala |
Year | 2014 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 41 |
City | San Martin Jilotepeque |
Region | Chimaltenango |
Program | Guatemala 2014 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | chocolate, citrus, honey, brown sugar, vanilla |
Acidity | citrus, malic, fruity, apple |
Other | solid, well balanced, consistent, rich.Body: creamy, full, syrupy |
Variety | Bourbón |
Farm Size | 182 ha |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2663 |
High bid | 7.25 |
Total value | 19306.75 |
High bidders | Nippon Coffee Trading Co.,Ltd |