The land was a brownfield lot that was used for grazing cattle when my father had the idea of planting and working this part of the farm. In 2005 we began to plant a variety of Pacamara trees, so the next year we planted another area, in order to have 5 acres Pacamara 100% by 2010.
The goal was with God’s help and the support of my father, eventually to produce 100 quintals of Pacamara.
What was the purpose of producing Pacamara?
We had seen coffee grower friends win Cup of Excellence with Pacamara. The hope us was to participate in Cup of Excellence and ensure better incomes for high quality coffee - to feel satisfied for a good product and good customers.
My father participated in 2011 and won first place - that convinced me of the attributes and characteristics of this variety.
When you decided to participate, what were your expectations about coffee?
Tasters said they seemed a good coffee, so we decided to participate with Pacamara variety having 2 lots of very good coffee -finally the day of the awards ceremony, we were pleasantly surprised to be in the first place.
Rank | 1 |
Farm Name | San Nicolas A |
Farmer/Rep. | Jose Edgardo Gutierrez Diaz |
Altitude | 1500 masl |
Country | El Salvador |
Year | 2013 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 28 |
City | La Palma |
Region | Chalatenango |
Program | El Salvador 2013 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | sugar cane, honey, spice, sweet tomato, lime, grape fruit, dark chocolate, hopes, peach flavor, grape, mango, tobacco, caramel |
Acidity | lime, citric, crisp, complex, red apple, malic, and tartaric |
Other | elegant and exotic, sweet.Body: velvety, smooth, big body, buttery, juicy |
Processing system | Washed |
Variety | Pacamara |
Coffee Growing Area | 3.52 hectares |
Farm Size | 3.52 hectares |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1800 |
High bid | 50.10 |
Total value | 90180 |
High bidders | UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd. |