The property is located in Cristina - MG, town which makes part of the tourist circuit known as Estrada Real and with 10.215 inhabitants, according with IBGE statistics of 2002, theyre divided in rural and urban zones. The temperatures are variedbetween highest of 30º C and lowest of 8º C, generating a media of 20º C and has a balance diet of rain during the year. Since 100 years ago, coffee production has been the main activity in Colina da Pedras farm, which knowledge also has been passed generation by generation. On the last decade, the producers put all their sacrifices on specialty coffee production, using a new organic system on the plantations. They were finalists on many Brazil Cup of Excellence editions, including the gold medal of 2002.
Coffee processing system
The coffee harvest is manual and selective, which the beans are immediately transported after being harvested to the machines where are wasted, get separate on green ones and peeled ones. The drying is done on screen suspended, protected by a greenhouse with drop sides.
Commitment to quality
The farms, including Colina da Pedra, are managed by an agronomist, and over the years, also had the support of other trade professionals in the coffee business. It had orientation and investments to the specialty coffee production: the plantation is conducted by an organic system, and the beans are harvested when it gains full maturity, also are processed on the same day, and the drying occurs in suspended terraces.
Rank | 6 |
Farm Name | Colina da Pedra |
Farmer/Rep. | Terezinha Marta Pereira Barros |
Altitude | 1450 |
Country | Brazil Pulped Naturals |
Year | 2010 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 38 |
City | Cristina |
Region | MG |
Program | Brazil Pulped Naturals 2010 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Pulped Natural |
Variety | Bourbón Acaiá |
Coffee Growing Area | 63.3 |
Farm Size | 300 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2513.27 |
High bid | 8.55 |
Total value | 21488.46 |
High bidders | Toa Coffee Co.,Ltd. for Toa Coffee and Arab Coffee |