I was born on July 30th of 1973, in Samaniego located in the department of Narino. I grew up with my mother, who had a small farm in the path of El Mosqueral in the municipality of Samaniego. I studied until I finished elementary school and then I just started helping my mother in the farm labors, as there were no funds to continue studying. When I was 14 years old I planted my first 1500 coffee plants in my mothers farm. At the age of 20 years I met Luz Dary Perez, my wife and mother of my two sons.
In 1998 with the familys effort we were able to buy a small farm in the path of Chinchal, in which we started planting coffee and with this activity we have supported our necessities. Today we have around 2 hectares with young and productive crops.
I am very proud of being a coffee farmer because with this labor I can give a job to many people that need it, I have shared many experiences with a lot of people, and I am sure that in every coffee tree that I plant, I am planting peace and hope for my family and for the entire Colombia .
As a coffee grower, my wish is to continue being productive and competitive, so in that way I can offer university studies to my sons and that they have a successful future.
Rank | 8 |
Farm Name | Chinchal |
Farmer/Rep. | Carlos Geovany Martinez Yela |
Altitude | 1900 |
Country | Colombia South |
Year | 2012 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 44 |
City | Samaniego |
Region | Nariño |
Program | Colombia South 2012 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | blackcurrant, chocolate, peach, tropical fruit, grape, mango, apple, nectarine, red wine |
Acidity | brilliant, lemon, tartaric, complex, bright, grapefruit |
Other | balanced, well structured, creamy mouthfeel, dense, sweet |
Processing system | Washed Coffee |
Variety | Caturra 70% Colombia 30% |
Coffee Growing Area | 1.95 |
Farm Size | 1.95 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2320.65 |
High bid | 6.65 |
Total value | 15432.34 |
High bidders | Invalsa Coffee® (USA) with Richmond For Specialty Coffee (Korea), Coffee Labs (USA) Rojo's Roastery (USA) and Haru International (Taiwan) |