01 Farm Name: “KUQUIPATA”
Farm Story:
In 1985 the comuneros of my area discovered fruitful areas of land beneath the choquesapra snowfall. In 1990, a plot of land was requested for the sowing of coffee.
The year 1998 was founded the estate "KUQUIPATA", Pacaybamba District of Inkawasi Province convention region Cusco. In 2005 he joined the Agraria cafetalera Valle de Incahuasi cooperative.
The farm Kuquipata is a beauty located in the foothills of the snowy Choquesapra has 1 hectare of plants installed coffee. It has been working sustainably through a technical management that supports the organization. Since then they have been trained and taught to develop good agricultural practices. In 2007 the coffee plantations with new varieties of caturra and Bourbón were renewed. In 2012 they discovered through the sensorial evaluation a good quality in cup, which motivates to continue working in quality.
Region: Cusco
Year of Harvest:09
Month of Harvest: July
Name of the Farm: KUQUIPATA
Elevation: 2100 masl
Coffee Mill Type: washed
Blooms: Single crop the first of the month of July.
Type of Soil: Stony Franco- New soils, with good formation of organic matter.
Temperature / average climate: Low 14 ° C high 28 ° C
Anual avergae 19 °C
Average rainfall: 1700 mm
Typesofshade: Temporary Shadow and Permanent Shadow
Shade density: 30 – 35 %
Crop Conditions: Plants with 6 years of age, full production, healthy, largely vigorous, minimal affection for pests and diseases.
Flora and Fauna Types Present: Tall wood trees, low trees, fruit trees, shrubs, herbaceous and creeping.
Fertilización Methods: Fertilization with organic fertilizers applied in soil at the root level.
Applications of herbicides: Non.
Environmental conservation practices:
With organic production
- Soil Conservation: Installation of Living Barriers, Dead Barriers, Andenes, Plantation against slope.
- Water conservation: conservation of water eyes, reforestation, sprinkler irrigation.
Processing Type: Wet benefit.
Type of Fermentation: Natural
Rank | 9 |
Farm Name | Kukipata 2017 - {ORG} |
Farmer/Rep. | Cristobal Palomino Castro |
Altitude | 2100 |
Country | Perú |
Year | 2017 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 10 |
City | La Convencion |
Region | Cusco |
Program | Perù 2017 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Mandarin, cocoa, honey, winy, juicy, rosehip, peach, plumb, vanilla, macadamia, toffee, gum drops, sugar cane, hazelnut. |
Acidity | Citric, phosphoric, orange, kiwi, refined, structured, sugar sweet, rich, round acidity, mouthfeel. |
Other | Clear, crystal, consistent, balanced, milky sweet. |
Processing system | Washed |
Variety | Typica Bourbón |
Certifications | Organic |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 654.78 |
High bid | 10.89 |
Total value | 7130.55 |
High bidders | Terarosa (Haksan Co.Ltd) |