CoE 2015 Ranking: 5
Farms: El Mirador (San Isidro)
Farmer: Ananías Pérez Santanilla
Birth Place & Date:
Farms: El Mirador (San Isidro)
Altitude: From 1331 masl to 1780 masl
Vereda (Rural District): Fátima
Municipality: Suaza
Department: Huila
Total Area Grown with Coffee: 6.56 hectares / 4.67 ha
% planted with resistant varieties (Colombia & Castillo): 20%
% planted with susceptible varieties (Caturra): 80%
% of Young Technologically Advanced Coffee Plantations:
Post-harvest processing (“Beneficio”): The coffee grower handpicks ripe fruits and transport them on the back of a mule from the plot to the wet mill. Before pulping, he puts them into water to eliminate floating fruits. He immediately selects green, semi-ripe and over-ripe cherries. He then pulps them without water, washes them and removes the skins or pulps passing through the pulping machine. He leaves coffee fermenting in water and every 12 hours he changes water. Once beans have eliminated all the mucilage, he washes them and takes them to the sieves for removing water and a few days later he takes beans to the dryer covered with plastic and poly-shade; this drying process lasts up to 30 days.
Drying: Dryer covered with plastic and poly shade
Harvest Seasons: The main season is in October, November and December. He carries out passes every 3 weeks and the “mitaca” (mid-year harvest) takes place in June - July.
Score at Cup of Excellence 2015: 88.63
Farm History & Farmer’s Biography:
The family of Ananías Pérez arrived 75 years ago from the Cundinamarca department, specifically from the municipality of Villagómez, to sow cargamanto beans, among other agricultural products, harvesting up to 100 loads. Crops were transported during 8 hours on the back of a mule until a place where a truck arrived to go selling in the municipality of Suaza.
He bought the first plot, along with a brother, from the father about 25 years ago, then he bought the brother’s part. When they bought the estate, it had not a house, only weeds. With great effort they built a ranch and planted the first 5,000 coffee trees. They had no roads; only about 3 years ago a road was open, now fully enabled. He recently bought another farm, the father’s; he currently has about 50,000 coffee trees of different ages and varieties, but the Caturra variety accounts for 80%. And he built his house, which has 4 bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and bathrooms. The property also has 3 dryers and 12 sieves.
He likes to preserve the native trees and the rosemary pine, palm and “dinde” forests. On the farm there are two conserved and protected sources of water and a reserve of 20 has. The plots have several shade trees. The entire family works at the farm (4 women and 2 men, and the wife). In addition, from 6 to 7 workers a day; their number varies constantly, as many of them own estates in the area. In harvest season, pickers increase up to 10; they arrive every year from the Cauca and Caquetá departments. The main flowerings are in February and March. He fertilizes three times a year and performs rust control. In the summers, harvests are better; excess of rainfall and high humidity in the area are very damaging.
Future projects are planting 10,000 trees, improving the wet mill (“beneficiadero”) facilities and getting a humidity detector.
Coffee for the farmer means…
It is a better product as livelihood and he does not find other products that give him the stability given by coffee, which is everything in his life and his family’s, as thanks to coffee he has a happy and progressing family. And it means good trade.
His family will always be his pride and his purposes are to continue taking part in Cup of Excellence, get his own buyer willing to reward him for the effort (including the love that his family puts in producing the best coffee) and to travel to the United States. He thanks the Colombia n Coffee Growers Federation and the Coocentral co-operative for these competitions, which mean the possibility to show coffee quality. He feels victorious for reaching the fifth place in Cup of Excellence 2015.
Rank | 5 |
Farm Name | El Mirador |
Farmer/Rep. | Ananias Perez Santanilla |
Year | 2015 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 48 |
City | Suaza |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia North 2015 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Maple syrup, cedar, tobacco, molasses, caramel popcorn, cinnamon sugar, dried fruit, lemon lime, mint, orange, jasmine, dried fruit |
Acidity | Delicate, structured, malic, ripe, pineapple |
Other | Silky, lush, rich, savory and a little bit of salt |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2540 |
High bid | 6.61 |
Total value | 16789.4 |
High bidders | UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd. |