Farm history
The Sitio Sto Expedito is a part of Café do Cedro Group, located at 1100m to 1300 m of altitude, in Carmo de Minas city, with a total planted area of 98 ha. It is a family tradition in specialty coffee production through different generations.
Quality facts
Because we are located in such a diverse area, we insistently work to have better cultivars, care and processing, looking to produce the best product possible with a sustainable quality.
Rank | 8b |
Farm Name | Sitio Santo Expedito |
Farmer/Rep. | Murilo Neiva Junqueira |
Altitude | 1098 masl |
Country | Brazil Naturals |
Year | 2013 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 50 |
City | Carmo de Minas |
Region | Sul de Minas |
Program | Brazil Naturals 2013 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | AROMA: fruit chocolate, orange, peach, cream, herbal, floral FLAVOR: raisin, brown sugar, banana, sugar cane |
Acidity | tangy, sweet lemon, moderate |
Other | syrupy body, well balanced body & aftertaste, consistent as cooled |
Processing system | Natural |
Coffee Growing Area | 5 hectares |
Farm Size | 10 hectares |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 3307 |
High bid | 4.50 |
Total value | 14881.5 |
High bidders | LAF Coffee, Roasting House, Coffee Radio |