Located in the South West of Rwanda, Muyange Coffee Washing Station (CWS), owned by the Mibirizi Coffee & Foodstuffs (MICOF Ltd) company. Muyange site is at 1600 m above sea level with the average rainfall of 2000 mm per year and the average temperature of 22°C. The objective of this CWS is to produce, process, market and export high quality fully washed coffee which will benefit to about 1,000 coffee farmers smallholders and coffee producers from Shangi and Nyabitekeri sectors in Nyamasheke district as an important source of income. Coffee is grown on weathered volcanic soils
Mibirizi Coffee Quality
With an aspiration to provide to coffee consumers around the world the specialty coffee from Mibirizi, MICOF has put a strict control of on the wet processing process starting from the cherries that are de-pulped! Using our pinhalense ECOFLEX, a 4 wet mill machine with coffee washer and separator machine and multipurpose mucilage remover our coffees are cleaned with natural water from mountains.
Our coffee undergoes a meticulous processing and quality control beginning with careful selection process of full ripen cherries before initiating the processing followed by a floating exercise which help Mibirizi washing station to end up with an extra high quality parchment that guarantees a cleaner and more consistent flavor! At the end of the process, coffee beans are slowly sun-dried and hand sorted many times to perfection by women, many of them survivors of the genocide who work hand in hand with their neighbours.
*It is their first time to win Cup of Excellence competition in this year 2015
Coffee Washing Station coordinates
Province: West
District: Nyamasheke
Sector: Nyabitekeri, 5 hours from Kigali city
Production Season: February 15 through June 30.
Varieties: 100% Arabica Bourbón.
Altitude: 1500 - 2000 m;
Rainfall: 2000 mm per year;
Average annual temperature: 22°C
CWS owner: Mibirizi Coffee & Foodstuffs (MICOF Ltd)
Represented by:
Mr. Pierre MUNYURA, Managing Director
Address: P.O. Box 3780 Kigali, Republic of Rwanda
Contact phone: (250) 788301762
E-mail: [email protected]
Rank | 9 |
Farm Name | MICOF Muyange CWS |
Farmer/Rep. | Anastase Muhizi |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2015 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 28 |
City | Nyabitekeri, Nyamasheke |
Region | West |
Program | Rwanda 2015 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Milk chocolate, marzipan, brown sugar, almond, toffee, mandarin, passion fruit, pear, grapefruit |
Acidity | Citric |
Other | Soft, creamy, heavy body, round |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1849.68 |
High bid | 8.22 |
Total value | 15204.37 |
High bidders | Starbucks Coffee Trading Company |