Today, and more that ever I feel very proud of being part of this great coffee family, I was born as the fruit of love of my parents Angel Maria Gasca and Arcelia Trivino. I was born the 21st of March of 1969 in the municipality of Timana Huila, I did my primary school in Mateo Rico village, started my high school in 1981 San Luis Gonzaga School at the municipality of Elias until 8th degree and I finished the rest in a Military school Antonio Ricaurte in the city of Bogota in 1986. From this time when I was 17 years old I have being dedicated completely to produce coffee. In 1991 married Maria Elvia Cerquera with whom I have my beautiful family conformed by three children: Anji Lizeth, Deiro and Landy Dayanna of 19, 13 and 3 years of age respectively. En la actualidad y en busca de la constante mejoria de la productividad, rentabilidad y en especial una alta calidad en el grano, he venido incrementando nuevas tecnicas en la renovacion de mis cafetales recibiendo asesoria por tecnicos del comite departamental, federacion, y pensando siempre en la produccion en armonia con el medio ambiente, siendo equitativos con los trabajadores o personas que me colaboran y generando bienestar a nivel de los habitantes de la region. At present and in search of the constant improvement of the productivity, yield and especially a high quality coffee, I have come increasing new techniques in the renovation for my coffee plantations receiving consultants office by technicians of the departmental committee, federation, and always thinking about the production in harmony with the environment, being equitable with the workers or people who collaborate to me and generating well-being to the people from the region that help. His farm has the certifications: Rainforest Alliance, FLO and UTZ. He is an active member of the associative group ASPROTIMANA, and of the Cooperative of Coffee Growers of Huila CADEFIHUILA.
Rank | 12 |
Farm Name | San Joaquin |
Farmer/Rep. | Deiro Gasca |
Altitude | 1200 |
Country | Colombia North |
Year | 2011 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 46 |
City | Timana |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia North 2011 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Washed Coffee |
Variety | 42% Caturra Colombia 58% |
Coffee Growing Area | 11.82 |
Farm Size | 15.8 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2460.36 |
High bid | 7.00 |
Total value | 17222.52 |
High bidders | Gustav Paulig Ltd (FINLAND) |