Ranking: 18
Farm: La Cuadra
Farmer: Jorge Eliécer Rodríguez Sánchez
Birth Place & Date: Ragonvalia, Norte de Santander, Nov. 1, 1963
Age: 51 years old
Parents: Cristobal Rodríguez Villamizar (d) & Mercedes Sánchez Moreno
Siblings: 5
Wife’s Name: María Ernestina González Rodríguez
Children: (2) Leidy Gabriela Rodríguez González & Néstor Joel Rodríguez González
Academic Level: High school
Farm: La Cuadra
Vereda (rural district): La Alhambra
Municipality: Ragonvalia
Department: Norte de Santander
Total Area Grown with Coffee: 1.33 hectares
% planted with resistant varieties (Colombia & Castillo): 100%
% planted with susceptible varieties (Caturra): 0%
% of Young Technologically Advanced Coffee Plantations: 100 %
Other farm crops: banana
Post-harvest processing (“beneficio”):
Score at Cup of Excellence 2015: 86.53
Farmer’s Biography
I lived my childhood among coffee plantations. I remember how, being a child, I ran behind my parents and watched the coffee-growing work they did, which nowadays remains as my family’s livelihood.
Little by little I grew and so did my interest to continue the family tradition, as at my home coffee farming was not only one more activity, but the foundation of my family, the support for our well-being.
Now, at the age of 51, more motivated than ever and remembering the teachings of my parents, I am proud to make coffee the support to fight for my two children and my wife, who, with her dedication and love, has allowed me to devote myself 100% to produce a high-quality coffee, because I say that “if something is done, it must be well done, with all the attention and dedication”.
Rank | 18 |
Farm Name | La Cuadra |
Farmer/Rep. | Jorge Eliecer Rodriguez Sanchez |
Year | 2015 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 49 |
City | Ragonvalia |
Region | Norte de Santander |
Program | Colombia North 2015 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Chocolate milk, butterscotch, baker's chocolate, maple sugar, sugar cane, vanilla, peach, yellow apple, green plantain, pepper spice, cedar |
Acidity | Bright, good citrus, tangerine |
Other | Creamy, transparent, smooth |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2593 |
High bid | 7.70 |
Total value | 19966.1 |
High bidders | Campos Coffee |