My name is Gloria, I began in coffee crops in 1985. The members of my family are my husband and our two children. We all work in the farm, looking to produce high quality coffee. We participate actively in meeting with other farmers of our village, to get training in well practices of production, that we applied in the farm later. In my farm I have also plantain trees. This area has different sources of fresh water, because we are located in the Macizo Colombia no area, which is the place where the most important rivers in Colombia begin.
Rank | 13 |
Farm Name | El Naranjito |
Farmer/Rep. | Gloria Guerra Salazar |
Altitude | 1700 |
Country | Colombia South |
Year | 2008 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 16 |
City | La Vega |
Region | Cauca |
Program | Colombia South 2008 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Aroma - floral (13), tobacco (7), almond (6), sweet vanilla(6), cocoa (6), red apple (4), cane sugar (4), cherry (3). Flavor- citric (18), red wine (12), chocolate (11), toasted cereal grape (10), cherry (8), grape juice (5), tamarindo (5), red apple (4), sweet tobacco (3), orange chocolate (5). Mouthfeel-, smooth (13), round (11), creamy (6), complex (4), velvet (3), complete. |
Acidity | citric (19), refined (9), apple (6), delicate (5), pineapple (2) |
Processing system | Processing |
Variety | 70% Caturra 30% Colombia |
Coffee Growing Area | 3 |
Farm Size | 3 |
High bid | 7.10 |
Total value | 17531.16 |
High bidders | Wataru for Gabee Yang |