The farm Granja Sao Francisco was acquired on the year of 1937 by Mr. Octaviano Pinto Lopes Ribeiro, maternal grandfather of Otaviano Ribeiro Ceglia, current owner. Renowned and experienced entrepreneur on the exportation coffee business on the decades of 30 and 40, made considerable fame on the commercial means where he acted by his great business view and enterprising spirit, which led him to recognize in advance the peculiar qualities of the lands of coffee making from Sul de Minas (South of Minas). Taking over the farm, Otaviano Ribeiro Ceglia then chooses for a dynamic and professional administration of the Granja Sao Francisco (the Gleba Sao Francisco and Gleba Flamengo belong to Granja Sao Francisco), determining among other providences the immediate renovation of the coffee plantations existent. and the harvest of new varieties. The farming are cultivated on a variable height between 900 and 1300 meters, which relief, very characteristic of the region, is recognized as and ideal ambient for mountain coffee growing not only by the excellence of its lands, by the mild temperatures during the whole year, with defined seasons and precipitation levels well distributed. The respect and care with the environment for a long time have been a part of the exploration guidelines of the propriety, where the owners ecologic conscience and his relatives, together with the collaborators who act on the farm, have kept preserved the exuberant fauna and flora of the place, a Typical Serra da Mantiqueira region. The Granja Sao Francisco nowadays counts on 12 direct collaborators, who live on the farm itself with their relatives, having access to health insurance and education. On the harvest season the demand for temporary labor for the manual handling of the coffee guarantees location and support for other workers from town.
Quality concern
They seek to aggregate values to the final product without letting go of the productivity of their farming, counting on the agronomic and technological support of COCARIVE, in association with EMATER-MG. On the year of 2007 the Granja Sao Francisco conquered the third place of the category Cafes Naturais (Natural Coffees) on the 4th Concurso de Qualidade dos Cafes de Minas Gerais (Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais), promoted by EMATER-MG. In 2008 obtained the sixth place on the 9th Coffee Quality Contest of Brazil and Auction Cup of Excellence. The propriety is certified by this years Programa Certifica Minas Cafe (Program Certifies Minas Coffee). On the year 2009 was finalist of the 10th Coffee Quality Contest of Brazil and Auction Cup of Excellence, and on the following year obtained the second place on the VII Coffee Quality Contest of Minas Gerais, category Natural of South of Minas. In 2011, on the 12th Coffee Quality Contest of Brazil and Auction Cup of Excellence, obtained the following places: 5th. Otaviano Ribeiro Ceglia 6th. Maria Jose Junqueira Ceglia 8th. Luiz Eduardo Junqueira Ceglia (was also the 2nd on the 2005 edition).
Rank | 14 |
Farm Name | Gleba Flamengo |
Farmer/Rep. | Luis Eduardo Junqueira Ceglia |
Altitude | 1120 |
Country | Brazil Naturals |
Year | 2013 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 48 |
City | Carmo De Minas |
Region | Sul De Minas |
Program | Brazil Naturals 2013 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | AROMA: caramelized peanuts, sweet spices, caramel, marzipan, apricot, floral, honey FLAVOR: pine nuts, caramel, toffee, milk chocolate |
Acidity | tangy, orange |
Other | cedar, well balanced |
Processing system | Natural |
Variety | Acaiá |
Coffee Growing Area | 5 |
Farm Size | 378.7 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 3175 |
High bid | 4.40 |
Total value | 13970 |
High bidders | LAF Coffee, Roasting House, Coffee Radio |