Manoel Sebastiao de Lima Fazenda Neneias Araponga MG Brazil Catuai Pulped natural 980 AROMA/FLAVOR: dark berries, blackcurrant, raisin, tangerine, cantaloupe, caramel, hazelnut, chocolateACIDITY: Meyer lemon, tangerine, citric, refinedOTHER: creamy body, consistent
History of the farmIn the
beginning, Fazenda Neneiass only activity was livestock, after some
years coffee planting was begun together with beans, corn and rice. With
the discovery of the regions potential for quality coffee cultivation,
there was a commitment on the part of the coffee producers for the
production of a quality coffee.Coffee processing system Wet method Pulped naturalConcern about quality The farm is located in a region with favorable climate and elevation,
this having contributed to success in the production of specialty
coffees. Counting on the effort of the owner together with his partners,
who work concerned not just about the quality of the coffee, but also
about the lives of their collaborators, acting in the search for good,
socially fair, environmentally correct and economically viable,
Rank | 19 |
Farm Name | Fazenda Neneias |
Farmer/Rep. | Manoel Sebastiao de Lima |
Altitude | 1150 |
Country | Brazil Pulped Naturals |
Year | 2012 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 76 |
City | Araponga |
Region | MG |
Program | Brazil Pulped Naturals 2012 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | dark berries, blackcurrant, raisin, tangerine, cantaloupe, caramel, hazelnut, chocolate |
Acidity | Meyer lemon, tangerine, citric, refined |
Other | creamy body, consistent |
Processing system | Pulped Natural |
Variety | Catuai |
Certifications | . |
Coffee Growing Area | 15 |
Farm Size | 70 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 5026.53 |
High bid | 4.00 |
Total value | 20106.12 |
High bidders | honuKATOCOFFEE Inc. |