RWACOF/Mubuga CWS is a Private Coffee Washing Station located in Mubuga Sector, Karongi District in Western Province. It is owned by RWACOF Export Ltd. The Washing station was built in 2004 by Kibuye Mont Coffee Cooperative but started to be used by RWACOF Export Ltd in 2014. The coffee washing station is very small scale but has very important role in the local communities because it generates jobs, provides income resources and social benefits to the local communities.
Mubuga Coffee Washing Station became an owner of RWACOF Export Ltd since 2014; with a mission for improving efficiencies in the supply chain with the objectives of giving better prices to the small coffee farmers of the area that Station locate for. Training programs have been developed for the farmers and farmer groups. The registered coffee farmers in the washing station get social benefit programs from RWACOF Export Ltd Headquarter which includes students’ tuition fees, coffee education training, award livestock and agriculture tools to the famers, for producing the best quality coffee and encourage them to use organic fertilizers. The coffee washing station work closely with 621 farmers and around 45% farmers are women.
The topography conditions and Good Agriculture Practice done by the farmers give a particular coffee profile and which allowed us to succeed Rwanda Cup of Excellence 2014 with two lots with a score of 85.35% and 85.82% respectively.
Specific information and climatic conditions
Latitude: 029_ 15.938'E, Longitude: 02_ 05.506' S
Altitude: 1500 to 1800m; Coffee variety: Arabica
Soil type: Heavy to very heavy clay; Soil pH mean: 5.3
Precipitation range: Rainfall 1400-1500mm
Temperature range: Average 16-18 degrees, Status: Private
Processing capacity: 1000Tons
Processing System: Wet processing
Water source: Mountain natural spring
Energy Source: Generator
Drying system: Natural sun drying,
Road accessibility: Fair
Contact persons
_ Rwacof Chef Operator Manager. Mr. NDUSHABANDI Jean
_ Rwacof General Manager: Mr. Anbaragan Swamy
_ Mubuga Coffee Manager: Ir. Ignace NTAKIRUTIMANA [email protected]
Rank | 21 |
Farm Name | Murangara CWS/RWACOF (I) |
Farmer/Rep. | Murangara CWS/RWACOF |
Altitude | 1500-1800 masl |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2014 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 13 |
City | Mubuga, Karongi |
Region | Western |
Program | Rwanda 2014 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | green apple, cherry, tropical fruit, honey, banana, hazelnuts, cane sugar |
Acidity | malic, citric |
Other | viscous mouthfeel |
Processing system | Washed |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 845 |
High bid | 5.90 |
Total value | 4985.5 |
High bidders | Wataru & Co., Ltd |