CoE 2015 Ranking: 29
Farm: Buenavista
Farmer: Joaquín Ordoñez Buitrón
Altitude: 1600 masl
Municipality: Pitalito
Department: Huila
Total Area Grown with Coffee: 7 hectares (out of 8 ha)
Varieties: Caturra; Típica; Borbón; Castillo; Colombia
Main Harvest: November and December
Post-harvest processing (“Beneficio”): traditional
Drying: in the sun
Score at Cup of Excellence 2015: 85.40
Farm history and farmers biography:
I bought my farm in 1975 from my grandfather, the farmer Santos Buitrón. When buying it, the farm La Palma had coffee plantations. Over the years, renovations have been done by planting and trimming, guided by the FNC technicians, projecting the farm towards a high-tech and responsible production. I’m always proud of my farm, because with it we have got ahead and all my children have been raised. My greatest ambition for the farm is to keep it and maintain it for my family. Coffee means for me a good income, good prices that favor the farmer and his family; in addition, one learns every day.
I fertilize my coffee plantations twice a year, in February and October. The main flowering occurs in January, February and March. Ripening takes place 32 weeks later, i.e. in September. Heavy rains occur mainly in May; when they are too strong, they make green coffee fall and the CCB and rust damage coffee.
We only harvest ripe beans in the day and we carry out the wet processing in the afternoon. We use the traditional method of water tank to select beans. Fermentation lasts 18 to 20 hours. We dry in classic beds.
I normally finish my day at 05:00 pm and in harvest season, at 09:00 pm. Once I finish the day's work, I take a shower, watch news and go to sleep. My favorite place to relax on the farm is the living room, watching news from time to time.
In the future I would like to improve production as possible. We don't have any plans to increase the farm size; we have to go on with what we have. We do not consider planting new varieties or trees; those we are working with are good. It would be good to have projects of dryers, which are needed.
My family and my employees are the most important people to my farm. My favorite team is my family and my workers; they always do their work well.
I hire 6 permanent workers and 15 pickers join during harvest. I prioritize family and local labor. Pickers are paid by day, without direct contracting. Instead of paying them health, we required them to be subscribed to the health system (EPS) and they are paid by day; in harvest, by bags. In December we perform days of support to workers with clothing and a special meal for them and their families.
Rank | 29 |
Farm Name | Buenavista |
Farmer/Rep. | Joaquin Ordoñez Buitron |
Year | 2015 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 48 |
City | Pitalito |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia North 2015 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Chocolate, toffee, caramel, vanilla, rose blossom, gin bitters, peanut, savory undertones |
Acidity | Tangerine, red wine, strawberry, positive bitters, malic |
Other | Creamy, syrupy, spicy, floral |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2540 |
High bid | 4.61 |
Total value | 11709.4 |
High bidders | honuKATOCOFFEE Inc. |