Virgilio Dias Pereira Sobrinho Bananal/Mandembo Olimpio Noronha MG Brazil Acaiá Pulped natural 964 AROMA/FLAVOR: floral, caramel, bakers chocolate, hazelnut, plum, butterACIDITY: lively, tartaricOTHER: winy, balanced
History of the farmVirgilio Dias
Pereira Sobrinho acquired the Bananal/Mandembo farm in inheritance from
his father-in-law, Americo Dias de Castro. Coffee growing on this
property dates from the year 1930, the prime concern being the quality
of the product.In 1966, when he received these lands, he
promoted the replanting of all the existing crops, choosing more
productive and modern varieties, according to new technologies. These
crops were planted in the same area as in his father-in-laws time, as
success had already been proven there.Coffee processing
systemThe coffee is hand-picked, selectively, always
choosing the cherry beans to be pulped, thus guaranteeing the quality of
the product. Transportation of the coffee to the patio is done twice per day, in this
way avoiding any possibility of fermentation.Concern
about qualityIts drying is done on patios and in special
dryers. All of the lots are separated, in order to better control
Rank | 24 |
Farm Name | Bananal/Mandembo |
Farmer/Rep. | Virgilio Dias Pereira Sobrinho |
Altitude | 1300 |
Country | Brazil Pulped Naturals |
Year | 2012 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 76 |
City | Olimpio Noronha |
Region | MG |
Program | Brazil Pulped Naturals 2012 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | floral, caramel, bakers chocolate, hazelnut, plum, butter |
Acidity | lively, tartaric |
Other | winy, balanced |
Processing system | Pulped Natural |
Variety | Acaiá |
Certifications | . |
Coffee Growing Area | 100 |
Farm Size | 270 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 5026.53 |
High bid | 4.00 |
Total value | 20106.12 |
High bidders | honuKATOCOFFEE Inc. |