Located at 2035.947’S Latitude - 290 556’E Longitude on 1,144m above sea level, 12 km from Bugarama center, (District of Rusizi ,Gitambi Sector). Mashesha cws process more than 100Mt of green coffee (Arabica bourbon); magnificently flavored with sharp acidity, well defined chocolate, aroma characteristics with creamy and vanilla flavors which are well balanced and brilliantly aftertaste.
In partnership with Kahawatu foundation, the station works day to day with 1053 coffee farmers (32% women; 68%men) With 301,685 coffee trees, located on coarse sandy loam soils which are distributed on high hills with an altitude ranging from 1,100 to 2,000m ,with an average annual rainfall of 1,600mm.
Farmers are receiving training on good agriculture practice; environmental conservation; health and safety. Mostly harvest takes place between March and June; Cherries at ripening stage are handpicked from tree branches and processed though washing station. Note that only red cherries are processed to get specialty coffee.
Score: 89.44
Rank: 6
Farm: multiple farms
Region: Western
District: Rusizi
Sector: Mashesha
Altitude: 1100-2000 m
Country: RWANDA
Year: 2018
Processing system: Fully washed
Variety: Bourbon Arabica
Contact: +250788301437
Mashesha CWS
Farmer Representative:Hategekimana Louis
No Name of Farmers
1 Vumuriya Beatrice
2 Ayingeneye Felecien
3 Bagirishya Theoneste
4 Sezibera Pierre Claver
5 Sezikeye Andre
6 Nyiraminani Marceline
7 Kayiranga Alphed
8 Sarukondo Athanase
9 Muragijimana Alexis
10 Hategekimana Louis
11 Ibuzayayo Theoneste
12 Mukantagara Emerance
13 Harindintwari Amose
14 Nyiranzige Langwida
15 Sarukondo Athanase
16 Bazimaziki Philippe
17 Ntahontuye Stephano
18 Hitimana Joseph
19 Ndayambaje Emmanuel
20 Ntahombaye Catherine
21 Mukamuyangwe Daphrose
22 Tubiteshe Felecien
23 Sengize Mathieu
24 Ukwitegetse Elisabetty
25 Nyiramatabaro Felecite
26 Mukaderemasi Marie
27 Nyirabuhinja Budensiyana
28 Mukangenzi Therese
29 Rwagatera Leopord
30 Kewusi Xaveline
31 Butorano Ferdinant
32 Sinarumaze Simon
33 Izabiriza Anne
34 Nsengiyumva Leonidas
35 Sinumvayino Xaviline
36 Bizimana Hamed
37 Ntabanganyimana Felecien
38 Nzagirante Anicet
39 Mpakaniye Vedaste
Rank | 6 |
Farm Name | Rwacof-Mashesha |
Farmer/Rep. | Hategekimana Louis |
Altitude | 1450-1700m |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2018 |
City | Rusizi |
Region | Mashesha |
Program | Rwanda 2018 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | butterscoth, strawberries, jasmine, red grape, lemon tea, lemongrass, honey, peach, caramel, brown sugar, |
Acidity | very clean, structured, mandarin, tangerine, |
Other | creamy, sweet finish, delicate, clove, candy-like, silky, umami, |
Processing system | Fully washed |
Variety | Bourbón |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1654.79 |
Kilos | 750.60 |