Muyongwe Coffee washing station has started in 2007 and closely works with different coffee growers from Northern Province in Coko, Rushashi, Muyongwe, Rulindo and Muhondo where mainly the supplied cherries came from.
Due the dedicated work that all farmers together they have been performing remarkably as they won the first position in golden cup competition in 2007 and since then they have been being awarded cup of excellence awards at several occasion including this year CoE 2013, beside the Cup of Excellence competitions, they were able to perform well and won appreciation at EAFCA in 2009.
Rank | 7 |
Farm Name | Muyongwe Coffee |
Farmer/Rep. | Yambabariye Jean Damascene |
Altitude | 1644 masl |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2013 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 29 |
City | Gakenke |
Region | Northern |
Program | Rwanda 2013 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | sweet lime, citrus, sugar, honey-lemon, floral, vanilla and almond, jasmine, cassis |
Acidity | bright, crisp, grapefruit, complex |
Other | cooled well, balanced, smooth and juicy aftertaste |
Processing system | Washed |
Variety | Bourbón |
Farm Size | . |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1830 |
High bid | 8.20 |
Total value | 15006 |
High bidders | Kaffebrenneriet as |