LOT# 10
Farm: El Roblar
Farmer: Rosa Dimas Funes Macías
Farm’s name and location:
El Roblar farm is located in La Peñita community in the municipality of Sebastian, Department of Comayagua. It has an altitude of 1550 meters above sea level and is located 20 km from the La Paz city.
What is your farm’s history? Is your farm a family unit? How long has it belonged to your family? How many members make up your family?
I began to produce coffee 30 years ago when I was 20 years old. First I grew corn, bean and other vegetables but it was unprofitable because the market is so variable. My father produced coffee and he sold his coffee in the markets of San Pedro Tutule and La Paz city. He helped to me beginning to produce coffee and it is my mean economic income. Coffee allowed me built my house and give education to my child, also I could buy a little truck for my job. We have four daughters and three sons.
How many persons work in your farm, family members, permanent employees and temporary employees?
Besides my family almost 15 – 20 families are benefited by our farm. During the harvest season we hire these families to collect the cherries, milling, washing and drying the coffee.
What natural resources conservation practices do you follow in the farm?
1 – I have made soil conservation with live barriers.
2 – Pulp is decomposed and applied in the farm as organic fertilizer.
What is the shade percentage and the varieties found in your farm?
It has 20% of shade due to its guama y guanijiquil.
What type of fertilization process and rust control do you use in your farm?
I make two fertilizations yearly following the doses that recommend the Chemical Laboratory of IHCAFE. I use the fertilizers that IHCAFE provides us, generally macronutrient formula and urea. I apply a preventive rust control in June when rain season it is beginning, always with probated products and following the recommendations of IHCAFE technicians.
What type of management do you use in your farm (traditional, semi-technical, technical?)
The management of the farm is semi-technical because I use chemical fertilizers in low quantities.
Are you part of an association or cooperative?
I am a single producer.
What is the secret for winning this competition (describe the preparation process of the competing lot)?
I think my secret is collect the cherries ripe, also the milling process must be do the same day and finally use solar driers to dry the coffee avoiding contaminate the coffee.
How does it feel to be a winner of the Cup of Excellence?
It is an indescribable sense, when I heard my name in the award ceremony I exploited of happiness, is the best thing happened me as coffee producer.
Who prepares your coffee for exportation? (Explain how you sell it and to whom)
I sell my coffee locally is my first time exporting my coffee.
What is your opinion of the Cup of Excellence?
It is a motivation to keep us producing coffee, because is a good way to sell my coffee.
What has been your experience in the Cup of Excellence?
It is my first time as participant in COE and hope keep participating in the future.
The property’s characteristics:
The coffee’s characteristics in the Cup of Excellence:
Farm: El Roblar
Farmer: Rosa Dimas Funes Macías
Place: 10
Latitude 14 13' 04.90''
Longitude -87 48' 44.04''
Village: La Peñita
Municipality: San Sebastian
Department: Comayagua
Region: Comayagua
Country: Honduras
Farm size: 7.7 hectares
Area for growing coffee: 3.5 hectares
Amount of coffeee produced annually: 100 qq green coffee
Varieties in the farm: Lempira y Catuai
Altitude: 1650 meters above sea level
Certifications: None
Variety: Lempira
Processing System: Wet mill and sun dried
Lot size: 19 boxes (30kg7box) approx. green coffee
Pounds: 1,250
Score from International Judges: 88.00
Cupping Number #: 270
Winning Bidder:
Top Jury Descriptions:
Aroma / Flavor: orange, mandarins, green apples, cinnamon, peach lime, plums, strawberry, cocoa.
Acidity: citric, mandarin orange.
Other features: round, viscus, cream caramel.