About the farm:
The name of my farm is La Carolina and it is located in the community Las Nuves in the Dipilto municipality, Department of Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua . This farm is located on 1300 m above the sea level with a rainfall of 1650 mm per year with a clay and lime loam and with temperature between 18 ºC to 28ºC. I have this farm for 11 years already. The producing area is 15 mz, out of which 12 mz are producing coffee and 3 mz are still under the coffee production development process. At the present I produce 285 QQ coffee and the varieties that I cultivate are: caturra, paca and maracatu. On the farm I also cultivate musaceas, citrus fruits, challs, maracuya and other fruits
About his family:
My family is composed of 7 members, my wife and myself and 5 kids.
What is the secret of your success?
The secret is the good picking coffee practices at the right moment, ripe cherries, proper fermentation, excellent wet mill and for sure good management at the dry mill.
How do you feel being a winner of the Cup of Excellence Nicaragua 2010?
I am very happy to participate and have won again in the competition. I am very grateful to the organizers and the institutions that allowed me to take part in the Cup of Excellence.
His experience in the Cup of Excellence:
The Cup of Excellence is a great event, great competition. It boosts new work capital that improves our production unities and thus generates more jobs. This process improves the overall economy of the country.
Rank | 8 |
Farm Name | La Carolina |
Farmer/Rep. | Andrés Figueroa López |
Altitude | 1318 |
Country | Nicaragua |
Year | 2009 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 35 |
City | Dipilto |
Region | Nueva Segovia |
Program | Nicaragua 2009 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | green apples, green grapes, fresh fruits, dark berries, fruity |
Acidity | bright- multi dimensional, blueberry |
Other | Good body |
Processing system | Washed , sun dried |
Variety | Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 8.39 |
Farm Size | 8.39 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2643 |
High bid | 5.20 |
Total value | 13743.6 |
High bidders | Nippon Coffee Trading Co.,Ltd for Doi Coffee |