The story of the life of Mr. Daniel Sánchez López begins in a small farm called Nuevo Vergel, dedicated to the production of coffee, his parents began with the production of coffee since 1960 when they did not know much about the production of the aromatic, so consequently in those times the plagues and diseases were almost null and the different varieties were not known being the most produced the typical ones.
Mr. Daniel became independent 20 years ago, beginning his plantation with half a hectare of the Typica and Bourbon varieties, in this way Mr. Daniel begins a new stage in his life to be a producer of such a precious product. The rainy season is from May to September and the coffee harvest season begins in December and finishes in April. The coffee plantation has shade from trees such as chalum (Humiriastrum procerum), fruit trees such as mandarine, avocado and banana. In his farm he performs the entire benefit process humid, he comments that previously this process was not paid much attention since they did not know the importance of obtaining a good quality of coffee. Currently Daniel has 2 hectares of coffee with an altitude.
The organization CAFETALEROS LA CONCORDIA, S.P.R. DE R.L., provides support in procedures such as credits, supplies, technical assistance. The organization also supported him to participate in the 2019 cup competition. The ORGANIZACIÓN DE CAFETALEROS LA CONCORDIA, S.P.R. DE R.L., including the producer Daniel, has organic certification for NOP for USA market, CE for European market and LOP for Mexican market.
Rank | 27 |
Farm Name | El Platanar |
Farmer/Rep. | Daniel Sánchez López |
Altitude | 1767 meters |
Country | Mexico |
Year | 2019 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 15 |
City | Nuevo Vergel, La Concordia |
Region | Chiapas |
Program | Mexico 2019 |
Aroma/Flavor | green apple, apricot, maple syrup, papaya, orange, dark choc., plum, honey, crème brulee, citric, mandarin, malic, structured, silky, juicy, delicate, buttery, |
Variety | Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | 2 hectars |
Farm Size | 5 hectars |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 992.07 |
Auction Lot Size (kg) | 450 |
Business Phone Number | Telephone whatsapp: +52 1 961 201 8014 |
Business Address | [email protected] |