Located in the buffer zone of National Park Pico Pijol (PNPP), which is located in the Mountain range of Sulaco, in the nothwest region of or country, south of the city of Morazan Yoro, and Southeast of the State of Yoro, between cities of Morazan, Victoria and Yoro. June1st 1987, the National Congress of Honduras estates under decreet No.
87-87, Article1 that the mountain of Pijol (rainforest) as a national park for perpetuity distributed in the following manner: Nucleus Zone - untouchable: with a 4,950 hectare area, above 1,900 masl Buffer zone: with 7,260 hectares, this is were Santa Martha farm is located, northeast of the city of Victoria, at a height of 1,370 masl, an area that possesses a natural treasure and unique biodiversity. This farm is managed under conditions that are friendly with the environment, with the shade of trees native to te zone by 80% (Royal Cedar, Walnut tree, Inga sp., Mango, Guava, etc
) The farm has become a refuge for migratory birds (Parrots, Macaws, Chirping birds, Oropemdolas) as well as exotic animals such as (White tail deer, monkeys, squirrel, armadillo, rabits, etc
) due to the habitat that has developed here. Also for being located in this protected zone, Finca Santa Martha has 8 natural water springs, that benefit the families that live here with the precious liquid. The farm was founded in 1962 as a vision for the future of the owner at the time Don Roberto Hawit, with the Typica variety. Nowadays the farm counts with 84 hectares of coffee of which almost 30 are of the Pacamara variety and 56 are of Catuai. The farm is the main source of income of aproximately 120 families that live directly of the coffe growing activities, mainly during harvest season. Type of Soil: Sandy Franc Production process:
Tissue management, manual weed control, applies tree pruning, with selective and sanitary purposes, and shade regulation for the whole farm. Fertilization: twice a year. Weed Control twice a year. Mechanical. The farms has its own processing area (wet mill): fermentation tanks, quality selection canals, drying patios, storage area, metal screens for drying and 5 solar dryers greenhouse type) Residual waters are treated in sediment lagoons, and the pulp remains are stored for later use.
Rank | 18 |
Farm Name | Santa Martha |
Farmer/Rep. | Cristina Chirino Caballero |
Altitude | 1370 |
Country | Honduras |
Year | 2009 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 40 |
City | Tegucigalpita |
Region | Yoro |
Program | Honduras 2009 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | orange peel, dried fruit, jasmine, strawberry, blueberry, tea rose; |
Acidity | peach-like, apple/melon; |
Other | apricot, tangerine |
Processing system | Wet Process , sun dried in patios |
Variety | Pacamara |
Coffee Growing Area | 120 |
Farm Size | 120 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 3042 |
High bid | 3.70 |
Total value | 11255.4 |
High bidders | honuKATOCOFFEE Inc. |