A small lot was inherited from my grandmother (from my mothers side) about 50 years ago and some areas were planted with coffee. Being a young adolescent, I began my first steps in the coffee production. Later, while gaining experience we bought more land creating what now is Buenos Aires Farm. Buenos Aires is located in Dipilto, Nueva Segovia and it is the origin of different farms located in the northern region of Nicaragua , Madriz and Nueva Segovia departments that integrate the coffee farms of the Cafetalera Buenos Aires family. Different generations of the family, great grandmother, grandmother, father and sons have dedicated their lives to the coffee production. Cafetalera Buenos Aires Works with modern technology and now it owns ecological wet mills, dry mill and cupping lab with qualified and certified personnel for coffee quality control. We feel very happy to see how our efforts to improve quality are giving excellent results and how we can present the buyers and consumers the high quality of our coffees.
Rank | 21 |
Farm Name | El Naranjo ,Dipilto |
Farmer/Rep. | Luis Emilio Valladarez |
Altitude | 920 |
Country | Nicaragua |
Year | 2009 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 36 |
City | Nueva Segovia |
Region | El Guasimo, Dipilto, Nueva Segovia |
Program | Nicaragua 2009 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | floral, coffee flowers, dark cherries, berries, syrupy, grapefruit, coffee flavor |
Acidity | apple |
Other | full body, long aftertaste |
Processing system | Sun Dried |
Variety | Maracaturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 15 |
Farm Size | 15 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2711 |
High bid | 4.60 |
Total value | 12470.6 |
High bidders | Wataru & Co., Ltd. |