Cultivating coffee is an art that requires skill, dedication and time….
Experts have recognized Guatemala n coffee to be among the best around the world. La Bella has obtained the best quality to satisfy the requirements of the consumers. Its quality is influenced due to the strategic location and processing. It is located in a subtropical climate surrounded by forests in the heart of Las Minas Mountain Ridge.
During four generations, the skills of planting, of growing, of harvesting, and of processing coffee have been handed down to each member of the family. This is why the location, the altitude, and the process influence in taste, in aroma, and in acidity perfection La Bella´s generations have been seeking throughout the years.
At La Bella estate soft washed Arabica coffee is processed, planted in two shade canopies for preserving the environment and wildlife diversity.
Processes are implemented to save energy, water, and waste management of coffee such as, solar dryers, water recycling, treatment of used water and worm compost process for the management of the pulp.
Continuous improvement of its employees is sought with training, medical assistance, improved housing and services, to have an integrated development of social and environmental responsibility.
Rank | 5b |
Farm Name | La Bella (2016) |
Farmer/Rep. | Engelhardt Ortega, Teodoro Enrique |
Country | Guatemala |
Year | 2016 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 16 |
City | San Agustin Acasaguastln |
Region | El Progreso |
Program | Guatemala 2016 |
Month | June |
Aroma/Flavor | Caramel, Lemon, Berries, Black tea, Chocolate, Grape, Green apple, Red apple |
Acidity | Bright, Citric, Red apple |
Other | Juicy, Long-lasting, Well balanced, Smooth, Honey, Juicy |
Processing system | Washed |
Variety | Pacamara |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1015.76 |
High bid | 21.00 |
Total value | 21330.96 |
High bidders | UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd. |